The US played a crucial role in liberating Europe from the Nazi regime in 1945 - this laid the foundation for a strong alliance between European countries and the US. The economic, social and military ties between European countries and the US were strengthened by several multilateral projects, programs and organizations which were established after World War II - some of them still exist and play a crucial role in world politics to this day. The main objective of this extraordinary relation was to establish a strong cooperation which resulted in building international security and defence, strengthening international trade and economic development, and supporting democratic values. Europe and the US understood that for reaching those common goals multilateral cooperation is the most suitable approach – the European Union still strives to maintain this approach to this day. Unfortunately, the last four years of Trump administration proved the suspicion that there seems to be a significant drift away from this approach by the US side. The withdrawal of US troops from Germany, the US withdrawal from the JCPOA, the suspension of the INF Treaty and the threat of sanctions in the context of Nord Stream II on EU governments - these recent developments mark a new low point in transatlantic relations between the EU and the US. This brings up the question how a potential Biden Administration would influence the weakened Transatlantic Relations?

The IIP strives to address these issues via policy papers, conferences, workshops, public events, book publications, and the exchange of ideas in order to contribute to the strengthening of Transatlantic Relations.



November 21 | Israel and Palestine - Is there a Chance for Peace? 🗞️

November 9 | Ukraine and the Allies: Keeping the Firm Rock Unity and Solidarity 🗞️

October 18 | Towards a more inclusive global governance: What role for Europe? 🎬

October 9 | Conference: Vienna Peace & Security Talks 2023

September 26 | Europa und die neue Welt(un)ordnung 🗞️

August 14 | WOHIN TREIBT’S EUROPA? - Teil 3: Europa und die USA 🗞️

July 27 | "Diese Raketen sind nicht nur ein Schutz" 🗞️

July 15 | The NATO summit in Vilnius - Robert E. Hunter in conversation with Heinz Gärtner 🎬

June 1 | Conditions for Peace between Ukraine and Russia 🗞️

May 5 | IIP Talk: The OSCE in a time of war - Can the cooperative security be revitalized? 🎬

March 20 | Der neue Ost-West-Konflikt 🗞️

March 6 | Der Westen: Geeint aber isoliert? 🗞️

February 24 | What future for the European Peace and Security Communities? 🎬

February 20 | Europas Herausforderung - Ein Jahr Krieg gegen die Ukraine 🗞️


September 28 | Former UN disarmament expert voices regret over Sweden, Finland joining NATO 🗞️

August 1 | Heinz Gärtner - Ursachen und Folgen des Ukrainekrieges, NATOs neue Sicherheitsstrategie, Neutralität 🎬

July 7 | IIP TALK with Robert Hunter on 2022 NATO Summit 🎬

March 24 | Robert Hunter on NATO and Russia 🎬


August 11 | Nord Stream 2 – A Contested Pipeline 🗞️

July 6 | Will the negotiations on the Iran Nuclear Agreement (JCPOA) in Vienna be successful? 🎬

June 17 | Europe First? Joe Biden auf außenpolitischer Mission (Heinz Gärtner bei Journal-Panorama OE1) 🎬


May 31 | [TALKING GEOPOLITICS] With Prof. Heinz Gaertner On Iran Nuclear Deal And The West 🗞️

May 15 | Die Trump-Netanjahu Pläne sind gescheitert 🗞️

May 5 | 100 Tage Biden 🗞️

May 4 | Promising Talks on Iran’s Nuclear Program Resume in Vienna 🗞️

April 29 | The First 100 Days of President Joe Biden’s Administration: Successes and Challenges 🎬

April 21 | Ein Erfolg der Wiener Gespräche über das iranische Nuklearprogramm ist greifbar 🎬

April 19 | Heinz Gärtner: “Nuclear talks in Vienna must not fail” 🎬

April 12 | Interview with Heinz Gärtner on the Iran-nuclear-talks in Vienna 🎬

March 23 | Politologe Gärtner: „Die Großmacht-Konkurrenz verstärkt sich“ 🗞️

March 19 | Part III: USA: BACK TO MULTILATERALISM? The Iran Nuclear Deal (JCPOA) and a Nuclear Weapon Free Zone Middle East (NWFZME) 🎬


February 22 | Part II: USA: BACK TO MULTILATERALISM? Extension of New START and Implications: A start in rebuilding arms control architecture? 🎬

February 8 | GASTKOMMENTAR: Führerschaft der USA „nicht gleich Partnerschaft“ 🗞️

February 4 | What Future of US-EU cooperation? Reflections on the Inauguration of the 46th president of the US 🎬

February 3 | USA/EU: Eine neue Allianz? 🗞️

January 4 | GASTKOMMENTAR: Exzeptionalismus unter Joe Biden 🗞️


December 21 | Der größte Hacker-Angriff in der US-Geschichte 🗞️

November 30 | Eine Großmacht im Abstieg? 🗞️

November 24 | Mit Joe Biden - Für eine globale Klimapolitik 🗞️

November 19 | USA and the World: The World after US Elections 🎬

November 10 | Interesse für Österreich dürfte unter Beiden schrumpfen: Wie viel Spielraum verspielt! 🗞️

November 10 | Drei Fragen - Drei Antworten: Heinz Gärtner über die US Wahlen 🗞️

November 5 | USA and the World: Die USA nach den Präsidentschaftswahlen 🎬

October 29 | Interview with Philip Terrence Hopmann - The OSCE and the Global Crisis of Multilateralism and Arms Control 🎬

October 19 | US Elections: What is at Stake for the EU? 🗞️

October 15 | USA and the World: The Future of Transatlantic Relations under a new US Administration 🎬

October 7 | Entering the Trans-Transatlantic Era 🗞️

October 6 | "IMPORTANCE OF EURO-ATLANTIC VALUES" - Director of the IIP, Stephanie Fenkart, at the Webinar of the Atlantic Council of Croatia 🎬

October 1 | USA and the World: The Future of Arms Control and Multilateralism 🎬

September 29 | EU’s New Ambition – How To Be More Geopolitical Nowadays 🎬

September 15 | Weitere Sanktionen gegen Russland - Stopp für Nord Stream 2? 🗞️

September 11 | Nordstream 2, Europa und die USA 🗞️

September 8 | Buchbesprechung: "The Room where it happened: A White House Memoir" - John Bolton 🗞️

August 13 | Pompeo in Central Europe 🗞️

July 23 | Ein neuer Weg für Europa? Die deutsche Ratspräsidentschaft in unsicheren Zeiten 🎬

June 18 | Friends Drifting Apart? The EU and its Relations with the US 🗞️

June 4 | USA vor der Wahlen unter Corona

April 17 | NATO, Russia, and Covid-19 🗞️

February 26 | Arms Control and Disarmament: Challenges and Opportunities for the European Union 🗞️

February 3 | Statement: Another Concerning Setback in Arms Control 🗞️


December 17 | Report Disarmament versus Rearmament 🗞️

June 3 | Can the EU Act as a Geopolitical Power? 🗞️

May 21 | Occasional Paper: Where is Europe? 🗞️


November 15 | Die USA nach den Wahlen 🎬


October 14 | Europe and its Contribution to European and Global Security 🗞️