IIP Talk: The OSCE in a time of war - Can the cooperative security be revitalized? 🎬


  • TERRENCE HOPMANN, Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy Institute, Johns Hopkins SAIS

  • FRED TANNER, Ambassador (ret.) & former Senior Advisor to the Secretary General of the OSCE


  • STEPHANIE FENKART, Director of the IIP


The Organization on Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in Europe is an inclusive Institution that comprises all European States, the US and Canada. It is designed to monitor and prevent conflicts. It could not prevent the Russian invasion in Ukraine, however. How can the OSCE be revitalized? Should it learn the lessons from its predecessor’s CSCE-Helsinki-document of 1975, which reduced tensions during the height of the Cold War?

Picture Author: OSCE/Mikhail Evstafiev