In a world where security, politics, geopolitics, economics, and other areas are still mostly seen as male domains, it is of the highest importance to fight for gender equality. Several initiatives already understand this reality, and many engaged experts seek to formulate policies that include a feminist perspective. A feminist perspective doesn’t necessarily mean a female perspective, but rather an inclusive perspective that aims at equality and justice as well as support for minorities or vulnerable groups. Especially in conflict or war areas, women, children, the disabled and the elderly are often the most vulnerable groups. On the other hand, the same groups are able, knowledgeable, and competent in dealing with certain issues or best understanding the contexts, histories, or social relationships in their own communities. In addition, many groups continue to be marginalized simply for belonging to a minority – be it based on sex, religion, ethnicity, age, or sexual orientation. Support for inclusion and justice lies at the basis of the IIP’s work.

The IIP tries to hold at least one event (public discussion or interview) per quarter that focuses on gender as a key topic or theme. The IIP also commits to mainstreaming gender perspectives into all other relevant IIP events and programming through directed questions, subjects, panelists, and publications.