Entering the Trans-Transatlantic Era

A defaulting hegemon, a passive Europe, a rising China and an obnoxious Russia in the crisis ridden transition to a more dangerous, multipolar world.

The main question is not about the personality of President Trump. We know all about him there is to know.  Americans voted for him not in spite of what he is; but because of what he is. Twenty years ago, such a candidate would not have been elected president. What has happened?  What made Trump and his policies possible; and what do the mechanics of his rise imply for the future?

Should Trump lose the November elections, would we be able to simply return to international cooperation, as it had prevailed over much of the past seventy  years?  And if such a simple return to the status quo ante is unlikely, what could be salvaged from endangered multilateral global governance and from the damaged transatlantic partnership?

You can download the full publication below.

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Thomas Nowotny is a former Austrian diplomat; private secretary to Austrian Chancellor Bruno Kreisky, senior political counselor to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and Consultant to the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development). He is "Dozent" for political science at the University of Vienna, and author of numerous articles and of several books. The last major one on the program and prosepects of European Social Democracy (Projekt Sozialdemokratie: überholt?? gescheitert?? zukunftsweisend??) has come on the market in December 2016.