Making Sense of Developments in the Eastern Mediterranean 🎬


  • Mustafa Aydin, President, International Relations Council of Turkey; Professor of International Relations, Kadir Has University

  • Dimitrios Triantaphyllou, Director, Center for International and European Studies (CIES), Kadir Has University

  • Anna Koukkides-Procopiou, Senior Fellow, Cyprus Center for European and International Affairs, University of Nicosia

  • Ahmet Sozen, Chair, Department of Political Science & International Relations, Eastern Mediterranean University



  • Hannes Swoboda, President, International Institute for Peace



The International Institute for Peace (IIP) is an international and non-governmental organisation (NGO and INGO) based in Vienna, with consultative status at ECOSOC and UNESCO. The IIP pursues the objective of contributing to the maintenance and strengthening of peace through its research activities and as a platform to promote non-violent conflict resolution in different areas of the world and to a wide range of people.

The Center for International and European Studies (CIES) at Kadir Has University is research center whose mission is to pursue applied, policy-oriented research and promote debate on the most pressing global issues. Its objectives are to increase understanding, raise awareness, promote debate, and enhance cooperation in a number of focus areas including foreign policy, security, regional cooperation, governance, youth leadership, and sustainable development, inter alia, with a geographic focus on the European Union, its eastern and southern neighborhoods,  Turkey, Southeastern Europe, and the wider Middle East.