Western Balkan Initiative: COVID-19 and Opening of Accession Negotiations 🎬

The International Institute for Peace (IIP) in partnership with the Karl-Renner Institut and the Austrian Institute for International Affairs (oiip) launched the Western Balkan Initiative to highlight the perspectives of young experts from the Western Balkan region on political, economic, and social issues. Below is a series of videos by our Western Balkan Initiative experts on the ongoing covid-19 pandemic and its impact on the countries of the region as well as the announced opening of accession negotiations for North Macedonia and Albania.

Introduction by Hannes Swoboda (IIP)

President of the IIP Hannes Swoboda introduces a series of video analyses by experts from the Western Balkans Initiative on major spring 2020 news stories, including the ongoing covid-19 pandemic in the region and the opening of EU accession negotiations for North Macedonia and Albania.

Analysis by Aulonë Memeti (Kosovo)

Western Balkans Initiative expert Aulonë Memeti comments on the opening of accession negotiations for North Macedonia and Albania, the current covid-19 pandemic in Kosovo, and the collapse of the government in Prishtina.

Analysis by Anja Jokić (Serbia)

Western Balkans Initiative expert Anja Jokić comments on the response by the Serbian government to the covid-19 pandemic and the recently announced opening of accession negotiations with the EU for North Macedonia and Albania.

Analysis by Djordje Bojović (Serbia)

Western Balkans Initiative expert Djordje Bojović comments on the current covid-19 pandemic in Serbia and the response of the Serbian government.

Analysis by Adi Ćerimagić (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Western Balkans Initiative expert Adi Ćerimagić comments on the response by Western Balkan governments to the covid-19 pandemic and the region's cooperation with the EU.