The EU after the European Elections and Beyond

The EU after the European Elections and Beyond

Political parties of the center must find a way of cooperation and work on their own profile. And they must enter into an intensive dialogue with European citizens. These must get an impression of what kind of policies the different parties fight. But they must also get an understanding of compromises necessary to achieve results. In the present political environment, there are even more political debate and political skills necessary. But they should deal with those issues which are vital for creating a more sustainable, democratic and socially just Europe. Europe which could be a global model.

Call against a New War in the Middle East

Call against a New War in the Middle East

Drums of a war are beating loudly again, in the Middle East. On one side stands the military power of the USA and its regional allies; on the other side, the leadership of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Escalating tensions could, in the worst- case scenario, —intentionally or unintentionally —, spark a new war in the region. The world is still suffering from the consequences of the war in Iraq in 2003, which was launched based on false claims and assumptions.

Can the EU act as a Geopolitical Power?

Can the EU act as a Geopolitical Power?

Europe should first have a clear defensive military doctrine before entering any discussion of a military dimension of the European Union. As we see with the US, they have a strong military capacity and that invites to use it in different wars. We must recognize that the US lost all these wars in the last years – from Vietnam to Iraq. Not a good example for Europe to follow.

Where is Europe?

Where is Europe?

Since the end of the Bush administration in 2009 there has been a debate among American academics on what kind of world will emerge. Where is Europe in this debate? Europe plays only a marginal role. The main concerns of American academics are the decline of America and the rise of China. Europe is not considered to be a major power factor in the new world. In the best case, Europe is seen as a natural ally because it consists of market economies and liberal democracies. In the worst case, it is seen as irrelevant because it lacks military capacities with global reach.

A State for All - Israel and Palestine 2019

A State for All - Israel and Palestine 2019

The following remarks are based on a trip to Israel and Palestine from 15th to the 22nd of February 2019. A small civil society delegation from Austria consisting of the president, Hannes Swoboda, and director, Stephanie Fenkart, of the International Institute for Peace (IIP) in Vienna, the director of the Austrian Study Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution in Schlaining, Austria, Gudrun Kramer and Wilfried Graf, director of the Kehlman Institute for International Conflict Resolution, met various experts, politicians and civil society representatives in Israel and Palestine. This was organized in order to get a picture of current new developments around the million dollar question: How to re-initiate a peace process?